Galandage: Qu’est-ce que c’est et quand l’utiliser ?

Pocket windows are windows which open, as the name implies, into the wall so that, when completely opened, the window space is unoccupied and the window is invisible. In minimalist projects, the option for a pocket opening perfectly complements the minimalist aesthetic, where the entry of natural light and the integration between exterior and interior are key.
If you're thinking about how to create an entryway to your home that's practical, stylish, and creative, a sliding glass door that opens into the wall is a solution to look at. Ideal for secondary doors, it has a superior behavior in relation to the advantages that a normal glass door would have in relation to an aluminum door, for example, such as greater light entry, a more modern look and a view to the outside of the room. house, adding to this the fact that the opening does not require free space immediately next to the door to allow it to open, as it only runs sideways.

For commercial spaces, there are few things more important than the first visual impact upon entering the office. A glass door with galandage opening is a sophisticated look that allows you to make the most of the space that is often limited, whether in commercial spaces or even in a home office.
The fully integrated opening into the wall of this solution is ideal for creating a complete transition between indoor and outdoor space. If you have people at your home and want to take advantage of all the space at your disposal, whether from the living room to the garden, from the kitchen to an outdoor terrace, a window built into the wall ensures easy circulation and more natural light and a modern look that promises to attract attention.

One common element to all of these uses is how much space is saved when installing a galandage window. And for small spaces, whether indoors or outdoors, opting for built-in sliding windows will allow you to get so much more out of your home.