Why choose minimalist framing for your home?

Here are some of the reasons due to which choosing a minimalist aluminium window may be appropriate:

  1. Modern and Minimalist Aesthetic: The minimalist aluminium frames have an elegant and contemporary look that complements minimalist architecture.
  1. Reliability and Durability Aluminum is a durable material that can withstand different weather conditions, including extreme temperatures, humidity and UV rays. It is resistant to rust, corrosion and discoloration, which makes it suitable for long-term use, with less maintenance required. Aluminum's inherent rigidity guarantees structural integrity, which is particularly important in areas subject to earthquakes or strong winds.
  1. Efficience Énergétique: Aluminum frames can be improved thermally thanks to the use of thermal bridge rupture and insulating materials, which contributes to reducing heat transfer and improving energy efficiency. By minimizing heat losses and gains through windows, aluminum frames contribute to improved insulation and reduced energy consumption in heating and air conditioning the home.
  1. Recyclable: Aluminum is highly recyclable, which makes it a clearly environmentally friendly choice. In order to last a lifetime, aluminum frames can be recycled and reused, reducing waste and contributing to durability efforts.

In any case, it is important to take several factors into account, such as the climate, architectural style and personal preferences before choosing the frames for your project. It is always recommended to consult Futura Minimal so that we can determine the most appropriate solution for your needs.

Why choose Futura Minimal?

Futura's durable sliding system is known for allowing an effortless manual opening experience even in big windows, despite having a maximum weight per pane of 600 kg, a maximum height of 6000 mm and a maximum width of 3000 mm.

Nos profilés en aluminium sont renforcés et principalement invisibles, avec un profil central extra-fin qui ne mesure que 2 cm de largeur.

Nous proposons des finitions exquises, avec des seuil invisibles qui améliorent l’accessibilité et assurent une continuité sans faille entre l’intérieur et l’extérieur.

La solution d’angle transforme votre espace en offrant une ouverture maximale sans aucun pilier obstruant la vue.

Pour renforcer la sécurité, notre système peut être équipé à la fois de panneaux manuels et motorisés, dotés de serrures multipoints de grade 2.
Futura Minimal fournira des dessins détaillés pour soutenir les travaux de construction, aidant à l’installation et à l’assemblage des profils en aluminium.

Nos dessins contiennent des informations techniques et détaillées, comprenant les dimensions, les positions de fixation, les découpes, les détails spécifiques et d’autres informations nécessaires pour garantir une mise en œuvre adéquate des profils sur le chantier de construction. De plus, vous disposerez d’une équipe d’installation formée et certifiée à votre disposition.

Triple or double paned glass. Which one to choose?

Presently, for thermal and acoustic comfort reasons, we recommend triple glass.

Which types of glass are available?

- Burglar-proof glass to guarantee security and peace of mind.

- Glass with solar control that blocks up to 80% of solar heat;

- Glass with acoustic insulation to create a true silence bubble;

- Self-cleaning glass that significantly reduces time spent cleaning;

- Glass with privacy film to protect from indiscreet looks.

Cependant, soyez conscient que les vitres ne sont pas tout ! Si vous souhaitez résoudre un problème spécifique, comme les bruits constants, la sécurité, … demandez-nous notre avis et nous vous conseillerons de la meilleure manière possible.

When should I choose triple-paned glass?

Triple glass becomes an interesting option in certain cases:

If your window is oriented towards the North;

- If you live in northern regions or at high altitude;

- If your home has a low thermal performance.

Even if its true that triple glass stops heat from going out of the house, it also stops it from coming in, which can be counter-productive.

At last, if you opt for this kind of glass, keep the price in mind. The cost of the triple glass can be up to 20% more expensive than double glass.

What type of opening should I choose for my windows?

The main types of opening available in the market are the following, among others:

- Turn and tilt windows: They open normally and also tilt from the top. This window is very practical for any division because of its security and allow for ventilation with no need to open it completely.

- Sliding windows: As the name says, these windows can slide behind eachother and allow for a larger opening, air flow and light.

What are the diferrent types of door?

There are different types of doors available, but we only produce pivoting doors. You can opt for a single aluminium panel (better known as monoblock) or glass, with double or triple glaze.

Pivot doors are an excellent choise for large dimension doors, because the pivoting mechanism can support up to 500 kg while allowing to easily open the door. It works based on a central pivot point that allows the door to turn softly. For smaller doors, the pivot is located on one of the sides.

- Concerning the choice between glass and aluminium doors, it's important taking into account factors such as the thermal and acoustic insulation. Glass doors in particular, when equipped with double or triple glass offer great insulation properties, reducing noise and bettering energy efficiency. These also allow for better light flow into the home, creating a clear and bright atmosphere.

- On the other hand, aluminium doors offer more durability and strength. They allow for a better thermal insulation, notably the ones using thermal break technology.

At last, the choice between glass and aluminium doors depend on your specific needs, for example, if you demand more functionality or aestethics. We recommend you consult and discuss it with our professionals, who can evaluate and antecipate your needs, choosing the right option for your project.

What's the cost of acquisition of new windows?

The price of a window can vary greatly, from single to triple glassed, and are hinged on several factors:

- The type of glass and its optional specs;

- The accessories: handles, built-in handles, hinges, etc.;

– Les dimensions (commandes sur mesure, grandes ouvertures, etc.);

- The installation.

Therefore, it's harder to provide a fixed priced without technical documents.

Which colors are available?

Regarding the choice of colours for your aluminium frames, you have some select options, carefully picked from subtle and elegant to bolder, stronger colours. When choosing, take into account the surrounding decor, the architectural style and, of course, your personal preferences.

For the doors, it's equally possible to add a phenolic panel with wood finish.

Remember that all our colours are textured. You can see on each products page the options available to choose from.

What's the delivery time for my order?

The short answer is that the manufacturing and delivery time for a aluminium framing order can vary depending on a lot of factors and the size of the project. Nevertheless, as a general estimate, it takes about weeks for the order to be concluded and delivered.

The long answer is: the calendarization depends on the following factors:

- Stock availability: if the aluminium profiles and other necessary pieces are available immediately, this can speed up the manufacturing process. Ergo, if certain profiles or pieces are missing from stock, there could be some delays, as there will be a need to produce them from scratch.

Colours and finishes: the choice of colours and finishes for the frame can also have an impact on delivery time. Certain colours or finishes are more popular and more likely to be out of stock, while other less popular one may not be in stock at all.

– Taille et complexité du projet: Les commandes plus importantes ou plus complexes peuvent nécessiter plus de temps pour la fabrication et le contrôle qualité. Ces commandes impliquent généralement des mesures précises, une fabrication et un assemblage, ce qui peut prolonger le délai.

- Manufacturing: The workload and number of orders can affect the delivery time aswell. With a greater number of orders, there can be a longer delay, due to human and machine resource management.

It's important to understand that the week estimate is a approximated value that can fluctuate. To get a more precise cronogram for your specific order, we recommend getting in contact to get a quote. That way we can provide you with detailed info based on our present production schedule.

Is it possible to schedule a meeting with a salesperson?

Of course! If you're interested in discussing your needs and preferences in person or by videocall, you just have to ask for one through our contact form and we'll get you a scheduled meeting with one of our sales people.

Is it possible to receive aluminium samples?

It is! We understand the importance of seeing and feeling the quality of our products first-hand, as well as getting to know the colours and feel the textures. Contact us by email and we'll be happy to send you aluminium samples to help you make the right choice.

Do you offer warranty?

- For our aluminium frames, we offer a 10-year warranty.

- The warranty for the glass is valid for 10 years aswell. We want to make sure you have peace of mind regarding the durability and performance of our glass.

- The accessories and motors have a 3-year guarantee, covering any potential defects during that period.

How much time does it take to get a quote?

The time needed to send a quote depends on the complexity of the project and on the volume of quotes requested. In general, you should receive a quote between 3 and 30 days after the request. If you have requested the quote and haven't gotten an answer yet, check your email's spam folder.

What are the payment conditions?

- For projects which include installation, we request a 50% upfront payment when signing the contract, to guarantee your order goes through into production. An additional 40% payment is needed at the start of the installation process, and the remaining 10% are to be payed at the end, when all is in place and approved by you.

– Pour les projets sans installation, un acompte de 50% est requis au moment de la signature du devis, et les 50% restants doivent être payés avant le chargement des produits sur le camion de livraison.

Do you provide aftersales support?

Yes! We attribute great importance to our clientes satisfaction and are invested in providing a top-tier service, even after the job is done. If you have any questions, worries or need assistance with our products, you just have to contact us and we'll schedule a visit from our specialized team to answer all your needs.

Can Futura Minimal's be completely hidden within a wall?

Of course, our frames can be entirely integrated into the wall.

What solutions are available?

Futura Minimal proposes a few solutions: sash windows, pivoting windows and open angle windows. The sliding system includes more options, such as a wall pocket onto which the window opens, or curved applications. Motorisation is also an option for the sash and sliding windows.

Where are Futura Minimal's systems produced?

Futura Minimal's products originate from our factory in Guimarães, Portugal. We manufacture the profiles and its components and provide the glass.

Where can I buy Futura Minimal windows?

Futura Minimal's window are available directly with our headquarters in Guimarães, Portugal. These are sold and installed by our qualified technicians.

How to correctly preserve and upkeep your windows?

In order to guarantee the good conservation of your frames, we recommend:

Installation on site and painting walls:
The installation of the frames on site is done after the end of the construction work. They can be done while they're still occuring, but you'll have to carefully protect the products from other materials that can damage the aluminium.

1. The framing, including seals and brushes, must be cleaned with water and neutral detergent at 5% concentration, with the help of a sponge or a soft cloth.

2. The sliding windows and doors need constant cleaning of the inferior rails to avoid the acummulation of dirt and dust.

3. N’utilisez pas de détergents contenant de l’ammoniaque, d’éponges abrasives ou tout autre matériau abrasif.

4. Don't use acid or alcaline products because they can stain the aluminium.

5. To clean the surroundings, use a soft bristle brush dipped in the solution mentioned in point1.

6. Don't use petroleum-based products.